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Sleep disorders, insomnia, broken sleep
Sleeping Disorders
According to Rachel Moss, Lifestyle writer of Huffington Post UK, if you struggle to get out of bed in the morning, you’re not alone.
Almost half of British women (43%) say they are not getting enough sleep. In fact, 45% do not feel well-rested when they wake up.
The results are part of the ‘Reclaim Your Sleep’ survey of 4,100 UK adults, conducted by YouGov and supported by the Sleep Apnoea Trust Association (SATA).
Insomnia is the most common type of Sleep Disorder. It is the loss of the ability to sleep and is caused by a wide variety of things including stress, jet lag, a health condition, the medications you take, or even the amount of coffee you drink. Insomnia can also result from mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.
Hypnotherapy can help overcome sleep disorders.